Fall chores spark bittersweet memories & fuel renewed advocacy energy

As I took photos of Jerry raking pine needles in our backyard today it triggered memories of the good times we had with AnnaLeah and Mary our Last Fall Together–as well as all the other autumns of their short lives.

It brings good but bittersweet memories as I remember all-too-well how they cannot be here at this time in this place to enjoy these moments. They had come with us to tour this house in anticipation of purchasing it the following spring–walking through this backyard which they never got to enjoy as their own.

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And then it reminds me why I have thrown myself into this huge endeavor called Safety Advocacy. For some other mom who–I hope–will never know this heartache.

Remembering Our Last Fall Together, a photo album   https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.519997071416145.1073741912.464993830249803&type=3


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