Donate $1 toward creation of the Dragon Underride Protector

Dragon Underride Protector 004

Not too long before their untimely death due to a truck underride crash on May 4, 2013, AnnaLeah (17) and Mary (13) had acquired stuffed dragons–red, gold, and blue–along with one of their older sisters Susanna (now 23).

Now we have seized the opportunity to create the best possible underride protection –with the help of engineers globally. Their brother, who was also in the car when it was struck but did not experience underride, suggested we call it the Dragon Underride Protector.

So, in memory of Mary & AnnaLeah, help us raise the funds necessary to stop underride tragedies–once & for all!

Make the Dragon Underride Protector a reality. Donate now to AnnaLeah & Mary for Truck Safety:

Why We Are Doing This:

The engineer, Dean Sicking, who created the NASCAR Safer Barrier–which has saved the lives of many NASCAR drivers–thinks that he can create a Safer Underride Guard:

What AnnaLeah & Mary’s dad says about why we are doing this:

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