I discovered a new pastime: Frisbee/Disc Golf Course.

Mary loved to play. Life was to be enjoyed–at every opportunity.

Lately, I have been taking morning walks and have discovered a wonderful frisbee/disc golf course. There are numerous “tees” around the city, and I only came across a small portion of them.

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Part of the course was in a wooded area. Walking there filled me with peace but also with a knowledge that Mary would have loved it and might even have taken on the challenge with me of doing the whole course someday. That will never happen now.

The other day, my grandkids had fun walking a wee little bit of the Rocky Mount frisbee golf course–using their foam rocket launchers instead of frisbees. We all had fun. But their grandma simply doesn’t have Mary’s imaginative playfulness or youthful exuberance and spontaneity.

Another disc golf course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7UnUbbtFBc

And here is a video showing some disc golf technique. I can just see Mary watching this on her computer to figure out how to improve her frisbee throwing skills.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4ozihP00AA

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