Face it: Fragmented Approaches To Transportation Safety Don’t Work & Public Health Needs To Be Included

I’m just a little voice in the cry for safer roads. But I will keep saying: Let’s work together to make roads safer for us all. Fragmented approaches don’t seem to be working effectively. And public health research and solutions need to be included in the overall plan.

So now my question is: How can we make this happen and on a large scale?

Is anybody listening?

gertie 2947

These are some of my ideas on this: Establishing a White House Task Force to Protect Travelers From Truck Crashes (1)

Wake up, America: Let’s make our roads safe–together!


Driver Fatigue Needs To Be Recognized As A Public Health Problem


Articles on the topic:

Other posts related to this topic: https://annaleahmary.com/tag/driver-fatigue/

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