Bittersweet peace & pain. Almost as if I was there–though they would never be here.

The other day, I was able to visit AnnaLeah’s and Mary’s grave site for the first time by myself. Weeding & watering. Bringing stones I had found in North Carolina from a place they never got to visit. Watching the flickering light move across their headstone as the sun rays came through the tree branches swaying in the breeze. Hearing the birds and wind chimes. Bittersweet peace & pain.

At first I took photos and then realized I could capture the flickering lights with video on my camera. I came home and made a video of it–followed by shots from their funeral and video from a visit they had made to a Chicago cemetery to search for Karth/Wilkinson headstones (2010?) and accompanied by their Grandpa Waldron singing & playing Amazing Grace on his dulcimer. (Oh, and don’t be surprised when you hear Mary’s voice.  While I was filming at the cemetery, I had Jerry call my phone which has a ringtone created by Mistress Mary Quite Contrary.)

I was reluctant to leave and go on to the next thing on my journey that day. But I had the comfort of knowing that I would go home and be able to see it all again at any time–almost as if I was there. Though they would never again be here.

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