Public Comments are Now Requested by NHTSA on Rear Underride Protection for Single Unit Trucks

The Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making for rear impact guards and reflective tape on Single Unit (Straight) Trucks (SUTs) is now published in the Federal Register as of today, July 23, 2015.

Public Comments will be accepted on this issue for 60 days (until September 21, 2015).

Please take the time to let the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) know what you think. To do so, go here:!documentDetail;D=NHTSA_FRDOC_0001-1478

If you scroll down on that site, it gives very detailed information about what they are proposing and why and upon what they would like comments. In particular, there are instructions for commenting: IV. Request for Comment on Extension of FMVSS No. 224

“NHTSA requests comments that would help the agency assess and make judgments on the benefits, costs and other impacts of requiring SUTs to have underride guards. In providing a comment on a particular matter or in responding to a particular question, interested persons are asked to provide any relevant factual information to support their opinions, including, but not limited to, statistical and cost data and the source of such information. For easy reference, the questions below are numbered consecutively.”

In order to make your viewpoint known about these needed changes to help prevent underride crashes, unnecessary deaths & horrific injuries, please Click on COMMENT NOW! at that site.

We have many posts on this topic–providing you with plenty of opportunity to take a good, hard look at the facts of this matter: and

Also, see this post for a description of SUTs:

Whether you are able to provide detailed feedback or simply voice your thoughts on the necessity of this proposed rulemaking, please join us in speaking out. Also, please multiply your efforts and share this post using the buttons at the bottom of the post.

This is the first step toward reaching the goal of making effective underride prevention a requirement for Single Unit Trucks. Thank you for helping us to move this along for the safety of us all and in memory of AnnaLeah & Mary Karth–and the countless others who have lost their lives in potentially unnecessary underride crashes.

AnnaLeah, Mary at MuskegonPerhaps you have seen this photo before. . . so let me explain that this was taken in 2010 at the Muskegon Luge in Muskegon, Michigan  Winter Sports Complex, where Olympic hopefuls practice. AnnaLeah & Mary had gone there with siblings off-season and, after “trying out” the luge, were pretending to be the victors–standing on the awards blocks and raising their hands in victory. Their genuine joy in life, and this reminder we have of it, makes me think that they would have celebrated with us every milestone in this battle for safer roads.


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