AnnaLeah & Mary for Truck Safety is excited to begin raising money to support NASCAR’s safety hero, Dean Sicking, research for SAFER Truck Underride Guards.

After the success of our AnnaLeah & Mary Stand Up For Truck Safety Petition, our daughter, Rebekah, set up a Twitter account  to help us raise awareness about truck safety issues.

As I was browsing Tweets one day, I was intrigued by a “Thank you!” to Dr. Dean Sicking for SAVING MANY LIVES through the SAFER barrier he designed for NASCAR. SAFER = Steel and Foam Energy Reduction:

Great shout out to one of the major safety innovators in auto racing. How many lives has Dean Sicking’s work saved? 

I called Dean and told him our story; then I asked him if he thought he could use the same technology to design safer underride guards. He said, “Yes!” And, a few weeks later, he sent me a detailed proposal for an Underride Prevention Research Project:

Development of Trailer Underride Preventive Measures

The only problem is that we have not found anyone who is putting money toward underride research. Not a priority. So, now we are launching a fundraising campaign to raise $200,000 to fund Dr. Sicking’s Underride Research Project–along with a college senior design underride project and additional promising underride research by engineers who share our concern about the current underride requirements and think that they can come up with a more effective solution.

Plans are also underway for an Underride Roundtable in Spring 2016 to bring together engineering experts and industry representatives. We also hope to publish a compilation of all this underride research to be made available in print as well as downloadable.

Save the Date Underride Roundtable

Please help us prevent future unnecessary deaths due to underride crashes. Every $1 contributed to this cause will help us toward our goal of supporting underride research, which will make it possible to manufacture safer trucks  and, as a result, save other families the heartache of such tragic loss.

AnnaLeah & Mary for Truck Safety is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is eligible to receive contributions that may be tax deductible for the donor. Your donation will help fund research that will save lives!

AnnaLeah & Mary for Truck Safety, Articles of Incorporation filed with the State of North Carolina

To donate online, go to:

Then SHARE this need with your friends using the sharing icons provided on that website. Thank you for your help.

Underride Research Meme

For more information about AnnaLeah & Mary’s story and for details about the underride guard issue, go to:

Printable & clickable brochure:   ALMFTS Underride Guard Research Brochure

IIHS Report on truck underride crash tests and our story: IIHS Status Report October 2014

Watch how Dean Sicking’s SAFER Barrier soft-wall technology protected Danica Patrick from suffering the same fate as Dale Earnhardt:

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