Speaking Out at a Press Conference Today in Raleigh: Standing Up For Safer Roads

press release may 11

As I am preparing to speak at a press conference in Raleigh today at 11 a.m. in support of needed actions on truck safety, I am reflecting on my morning Bible reading. I ran across the word exceedingly and it reminded me of two other places where I recall reading that word:

  • Today reading in Jonah…he went to prophesy to the city of Nineveh, which was exceedingly great.
  • Also in Ezekiel 37:10, where God was fixin’ to raise up an exceedingly great army of His people.
  • And also in Ephesians 3:20 where God says that He will use His people by His power to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or even think.

The problems in truck safety are exceedingly abundant and the opposition against safety measures are also exceedingly powerful, but I have an exceedingly great God that I am calling upon to bring about needed changes to make the roads safer for us all.

Looking for an exceedingly great outcry. . .

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