No Time To Say Goodbye; Breaks My Heart

The truck crash was around 2 in the afternoon on May 4, 2013. AnnaLeah left us right away–no time to say goodbye.

Mary died in the early morning hours of May 8.

Although the nurses I have talked with reassured me that Mary was medicated to be comfortable, it still breaks my heart when I think of what she must have gone through. I have no idea of her level of awareness at any point after the crash. And I am thankful that Jerry and many others were able to be with her–after he was able to get there the next day.

But I was stuck in a hospital two hours from hers. I wish that I could have been there with Mary to comfort her. And say goodbye.

Mary at birth1 Baby AnnaLeah with Susanna, Levi and Mom1m newborn Mary and Mama43a b Mary Mom Susanna

b Mary Mom 001Mary and Mom at wedding 002

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