Remembering AnnaLeah’s birthday, I took some time to recall moments from her life. How do you pick favorite memories when there will be no new ones? I’d be here all day and fill up the internet.
Just born. . .
Painting at our new house while Isaac watches baby AnnaLeah. . .
AnnaLeah napping with her dad and brother Levi. . .
Riding happily on the rocking horse her grandpa made with her sister Rebekah. . .
Coming home for the first time. . .
Sleeping in the laundry basket. . .
Riding on my back. . .
Being read to. . .
With her big brother Sam–and one of the few times in her life with hardly any hair. . .
Getting into the fridge and SPILLING THE BAG OF RAISINS and EATING the CAT FOOD. . .
With her big brother Peter and Maggie The Cat. . .
Reading books & needing bells on her shoes when she was crawling around because we never knew where she went to in the house. . .
Fell asleep while eating. . .
Acting as Junior in Veggie Tales. . .
When AnnaLeah had the idea to get Mary a St. Bernard stuffed toy for her birthday. . .
With her stuffed dog, Spunky, who got lost when we were packing up to go home from Great-Aunt Flossie’s cottage. . .
Falling asleep while playing during Quiet Time. . .
In the VBS Parade. . .
Playing with her many stuffed toys (especially dogs) and checking all of the dog books out of the Walker Public Library. . .
Having fun with her siblings–every day. . .
Spending time with her grandma in Florida. . .
Spending time with her grandpa. . .when she was little…
And when she got bigger, and stayed in Michigan with him when he was not able to take care of himself. . .
Wiped out on a road trip. . .
Hiking in the woods. . .

Having a good time with Mary. . .
At the confirmation of her faith. . .
At Camp Lone Star. . .
At her sister’s graduation. . .

At The Lake. . .

Reading. . .
AnnaLeah’s 30 Category Booklist
Writing. . .
Just AnnaLeah. . .