As preparation is underway for the next surface transportation bill, it is vitally important that truck safety concerns are addressed as priorities and not compromised–in any extension of the current bill and in a future re-authorization. It is a matter of life and death. I should know, my daughters, AnnaLeah (17) and Mary (13) lost their lives due to a truck crash on May 4, 2013:
Here are some of the reasons why:
- Every year on average 4,000 people die in truck crashes and about 100,000 more are injured at a cost of at least $87 billion, a large number of them due to driver fatigue.
- The Secretary of Transportation should exercise his authority, and act on the recommendations of its own agency, to set the minimum insurance for motor carriers at responsible levels that will encourage safe underwriting and safe operations as was intended by Congress and to reflect the potential crash damage and medical care cost inflation. For more information: and
- The Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program is working as intended and any changes to it or how crashes are weighted would have a serious and detrimental impact on safety.
- Truck driver fatigue is a serious and deadly problem affecting the health and safety of all truck drivers and motorists. Hours of Service should not have been increased from 70 to 82 hours. Instead, the limits on the restart provision (once per week, two night requirement) should be restored. Studies sponsored by the FMCSA reveal that 65% of truck drivers report they have often or sometimes felt drowsy while driving and nearly half of truck drivers admit they have fallen asleep while driving in the previous year.; ; ; ; ; ;
- Underride guards need to be improved. I should know: I survived the crash while my two daughters in the backseat when we were pushed backward under a truck did not survive when the guard did not prevent underride.
- No increases should be allowed in truck size (doubles or triples) or weight. The adverse impact on safety and infrastructure will just make a bad situation worse. ;
Truck safety needs to be a priority; it’s a matter of life & death.