Trucking Fatalities Increase for Fourth Year in a Row; Hours of Service Rules Rolled Back

Here I am trying to get ready for Christmas and I cannot keep up with all of the articles and actions related to truck safety. For the sake of time, I will post some links here so that you can check them out in between your holiday festivities.

So I decided to write to NHTSA with my concern about the increase in truck crash fatalities compared to the decline in traffic fatalities overall:


This is just a knee jerk reaction, but I saw your recent report on decline in traffic fatalities. I don’t know the trend in truck crash fatalities since 2004, but I see, from your report, the last three years:

Fatalities in Crashes Involving Large Trucks

2013:   3,964
2012:   3,944
2011:   3,781
I am glad to see that there is an overall decrease in traffic fatalities, however, I don’t see a downward trend in those three years for truck crash fatalities.
2013: AnnaLeah + Mary + 3962 other loved ones.
Thank you for all you do to improve truck safety.

gertie 2947

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