Fatigue in Transport…from an Australian source

Washington DC 151

I read this recently from an Australian paper on fatigue in transport. . .

“Human fatigue is now recognised around the world as being the main cause of accidents in the transport industry. It is increasingly being recognised as a safety issue of the highest priority.

The issue of fatigue in the workplace in all modes of transportation and even beyond transportation is something that is exploding as a priority issue across the industrialised world. (Transcript of evidence, 10 September 1999, Melbourne, p.186 (Prof. David Dinges).

Fatigue is not just an industrial issue to be negotiated between employers and employees. It is also an occupational health and safety issue, a commercial issue, a public safety issue and, at times, an environmental issue. Individuals and organisations that fail to manage human fatigue sensibly, risk having or creating accidents with a broad range of damaging and enduring consequences.”


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